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Trace is a comprehensive insight into Michele’s work, it guides you from her initial ideas, right through to
the finished, astonishing pieces of work, collectively titled Trace.
Rich in symbolism and drawing inspiration from throughout history, the book contains three created, embroidered artefacts: a lavish glove, jewelled bodice and Japanese-style hairpin. From these she extracts
a narrative which becomes the basis for three embroidered artworks, exploring the theme of duality.
The book begins with an immersive, exquisitely photographed gallery tour of all the pieces, showcasing Michele’s work in incredible detail. Following on from this, each artefact and artwork is discussed in detail, giving insight into the working process, creative choices and techniques used.
Michele has worked for many years in the film and TV industry, including as Costume Embroiderer for
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Nevers, Peaky Blinders and The Crown. The last chapter of
the book features a selection of images from her inspiring catalogue of work.
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